Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We Have Baby Steps!
In fact, I'm not even going to try.
Instead... let's just celebrate...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Caught on Camera
Like when I snapped this picture:
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Yes, We Still Have a Baby

Ahhhhh. (That was a sigh of relief.) Now that you know what's been happening with our little guy, I can write an update about what he's doing now at 8 months old.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Thing About the Second Child
Some people say it's because you have another child distracting you.
Some people even say it's because things just aren't as new and exciting the second time around.
But why do I think parents spend less time documenting their second child's every milestone?
I think it's because they spend more time simply enjoying them. (Or at least that's what I tell myself when I fall so darn behind in my blogging.)
When Rowan was a baby, I was obsessed with milestones. I had a stack of parenting books on my bedside table. I received daily email alerts from baby websites. I even frequented online parenting groups where women obsessed about their babies' sleeping, eating and pooping habits.
This time around, we're taking it easy.
Is that so wrong?
I think not.
After all, rules and milestones are great, but sometimes a little fun and flexibility is even better.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Postpartum Shape-Up: An Update
Well I am still trying to do that, but Illness and a lack of sleep have stalled my plan. No worries, though. I haven't gained the weight back or anything. I might even be down a pound or so.
Still, I have nothing interesting to report about my progress this week. So instead, I leave you with another adorable picture of my baby sticking out his tongue.
You're welcome. ;)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
(Not So) Wordless Wednesday: A New Toy!
Because he has a brand new toy, that's why! Unfortunately, procuring the toy proved a bit more difficult than stopping by the nearest Target.
You see, a couple of weeks ago, we took Mister Miles to an ear nose and throat doctor to have a frenotomy — a procedure in which the frenulum (that bit of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth) is cut. Before the procedure, Miles' frenulum extended all the way to the tip of his tongue. As a result, he couldn't stick his tongue out. At all.
In the past, midwives and doctors routinely fixed "tongue tie" at birth. The current trend, however, is to wait and see if a child eventually experiences problems eating or speaking. Although Miles had no trouble getting nourishment (he weighed in at 16.5 pounds at 4 months), it bothered me that we were waiting to see if he might have speech problems as a toddler. Fixing a tight frenulum in a baby involves a simple snip snip. Fixing it in a toddler involves general anesthesia.
And even if he never developed a speech or dental issue, shouldn't a little boy be able to lick an ice cream cone? Or stick his tongue out at his older brother?
So we got it fixed. Was it hard to watch? Yes. Did he cry? Yes. Did I start sweating, turn completely pale and nearly pass out? Yes.
But I'm so glad we had it done. In no time, he had forgotten about the pain and was playing happily with his new toy.
See for yourself:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Four Generations

Whenever I saw him, he made a point to grab my arm and tell me that I had a really nice boy (and now boys). Of course I agreed with his assessment. And I always felt that he, having raised four boys himself, was exceptionally qualified to make such a judgement. A compliment from him surely meant twice as much.
We will miss him!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Instant Classic Girl/Boy Photos
Monday, February 28, 2011
Postpartum Shape-Up Week 6: Re-engaging After Illness
After losing 10 pounds last month, I have no intention of quitting now. Perhaps I can be back to my prepregnancy weight by spring! Wouldn't that be nice?
Current Weight (taken morning of 2/28/11):
Monday, February 21, 2011
Postpartum Shape-Up Weeks 4 & 5: "Before" and "In Progress" Photos
The photo on the left was taken on January 16, the night before I began my own twist on the No S Diet. I was about 10.5 weeks postpartum, and I weighed 156 pounds. The photo on the right was taken just yesterday on February 20. As of this morning, I weigh 145.6 pounds.
Although it's easy to see that my overall shape has changed for the better, what really surprised me was the difference in my face. Those cheeks are looking less chubby, indeed!
Seeing these photos has given me a renewed sense of motivation. I've been a bit lax on the eating front this past week, due to Valentine's Day and two celebrations for my dad's birthday. I also missed my scheduled Couch to 5K workout yesterday due to a cold/flu bug and a mega February snow storm.
I ate well yesterday, though, and will be back at the gym as soon as I'm feeling better. The question is... do I move on to week four of Couch to 5K, do I complete one more week three workout and then move on, or do I start week three over again entirely? Hmmm. (Thoughts?)
Although I feel energized by the progress I’ve made, I can’t say that the last month has been easy. Why? Well, the truth is that if you want to maintain a healthy weight, eat great food and be physically fit, you pretty much have to do the exact opposite of what most people do… most of the time. And that is hard.
Most people are overweight. Most people eat poorly. And most people are inactive. I say these things not to judge "most people", but to underscore just how hard it is to make a change.
For the past month, I've had to say "no, thank you" to the near-daily office treats, the restaurant lunches, the moms night out appetizers, and the post-kiddo-bedtime sweets that have tempted me. And I can't tell you how many times I've succeeded in saying no to the aforementioned diet traps only to hear a well-meaning friend, colleague or loved one (or voice in MY OWN HEAD) say to me, "But it's a special occasion!" or "Everything in moderation!" or "You don't even need to lose weight!"
But is it really moderation when every other day is a "special" occasion? And just because you're thinner than a lot of other people, does it really mean that you shouldn't attempt to lose excess weight?
Like I said, it's hard. We are not a country — a culture — that does moderation very well. In fact, our sense of normal has become so skewed that I'm not sure we don't even know what moderation means.
So although I'm no diet or fitness expert, I can say with certainty that if you want to be healthy, you must be prepared to swim upstream. But hey, that has to burn extra calories, right?
Current Weight (taken morning of 2/21/11):