Monday, May 17, 2010

These Buttons Are Bursting!

Wow... I think it's time to find some loose fitting tops for my expanding belly. Last time, I made it to 20 weeks before needing maternity tops. But sixteen weeks seems to be the turning point this time around.

Any tips on starting a maternity wardrobe? After five years, I feel like a newbie again!


Andrea said...

I loved my maternity wordrope.. but I will be honost.. my Dad's wife became my wardrope "benefactrice" (is that a word...And took me shopping...

This blog lady was very fashionable prego lady with tips.

Michelle said...

I know they have maternity clothes at Clothes Mentor, a consignment shop for women. They have a few locations. They are pretty picky about what they buy, so most of their stuff should be nice.

Angie said...

Thanks for the great resources, ladies! @Andrea, that Web site is fantastic!

alicia said...

Good luck with the clothes search. That pic is funny. I'm a new follower from SITS. Love what's going on over here.

Mindi Kay said...

I loved Target and Motherhood Maternity. I highly recommend the secret belly fit pants, much more comfortable!

MollyinMinn said...

Oh Angie, that photo cracked me up. It didn't look nearly that bursting in you must have had a heckuva dinner ;)

Angie said...

Molly, I think you saw me with my hoodie zipped!

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