Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The Real Reason I Took a Blog Break


Recovering Procrastinator said...


MollyinMinn said...

Yeah! The cat is out of the bag!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, stopping in from WW. Luv the pick!! How cute! Congrats on the big news! My lil girl told everyone I am pregnant from the baker to the mail man...haha no secrets in our house. Following you.

Please stop by for a visit at

Have a beautiful day
Rebecca :)

Angie said...

Keeping this a secret was much harder this time around, Rebecca! In the age of Facebook, if one person knows, EVERYONE knows!

Symphony of Love said...

I think he is happy and already looking forward to be a big brother. :)

Ron Cooper said...

I think that was a very good reason indeed! (adorable young lad and future bro)

I have a blog with inspirational writings. Stop by any time.

My latest postings are, “Smiles,” “Spring,” “A Feast,” “Love Lifts,” “Wake Up to Serve” and “Soul-itude.”

Nate and Jamie Sommer :) said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!!! Happy for you and your Family!!! :)

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