Monday, February 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday ~ Feb. 15

I'm on strike, people! Yep.

But don't worry. It's not a melodramatic, "mom's on the edge" kind of strike. I'm just feeling a bit weary of accommodating picky eaters and responding to less-than-stellar attitudes.

So on the days when we're home this week (of which there are relatively few), I'm planning to cook for myself and let the hubby and the kiddo fend for themselves.

While my guys dine on frozen pizza and other commercially prepared cheese-and-carb concoctions, I will be enjoying some of my favorite meals (and non-chicken proteins) — lovingly prepared for one.

The list below only includes my dinner plans. My breakfasts and lunches remain pretty static from week to week. And no links this time. I don't tend to follow recipes for basic pan-fried/braised/sautéed protein meals.

Hope you have a great week in food! I know I will!

Sunday: Kid-friendly taco night with hubby's family for Valentine's Day

Monday: Creamy chicken* and potato soup (left over from making a batch for hubby's aunt, who recently had surgery); French bread

Tuesday: Eating out

Wednesday: Sautéed shrimp with angel hair pasta and vegetables

Thursday: Braised pork chop with apples

Friday: Pan-fried steak with a simple red wine/mushroom/shallot sauce

Saturday: Dinner out and bowling for my dad's birthday

*Note that this is the only chicken dish on the menu for this week. I grow so tired of chicken!

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