Today, Miles is one week old! Strangely enough, this little guy has both turned our world upside down
and woven himself effortlessly into our family life.

So far ― and I hate to say this for fear of jinxing myself ― he's been a relatively easy baby. He nurses well. He has two or three predictable alert periods during the day. And he generally sleeps for two to three hours at a time at night between feedings. When Miles has had a few short crying spells at night, Rowan has remained blissfully asleep in his room. So far, so good!

But I won't celebrate (or gloat) quite yet, because I seem to remember two weeks being a bit of a "who stole my perfect baby and replaced him with this fussy thing" turningpoint for Rowan. We'll see...

Right now, I'm just trying to soak up every newborn moment. Watching his sleepy smiles and laughs. Feeling his hot, swift breaths on my neck. Rubbing my nose in his wispy hair. Kissing his chubby little cheeks. I can't get enough of him!
He's already changing so much. He seems to see really well, has impressive neck control and shows interest in his hands. We've even seen several awake smiles (which I realize is probably a total fluke, but it sure seems real to us)!
All of the pediatricians who examined Miles after the birth (and I gave birth at a teaching hospital, so there were many) commented that he seemed older than a newborn. And then the pediatrician at his one-week visit said the same thing! I'm not sure whether to feel proud because he's so strong and alert or start crying because his newborn phase feels cut short.

Rowan has been adjusting well to his new role as big brother. In fact, he almost always refers to Miles as "my brother." "My brother wants to nurse, Mama" "My brother is sooooo cute." "Do you think my brother's favorite color is red?" "Why does my brother's umbilical cord stump stink?" "Will you make sure that my brother doesn't spit up on my Halloween candy?"

Watching Rowan assume the role of big brother has been one of the most moving experiences I've had as a mom. I feel amazingly blessed to have two healthy and (in my totally biased view) adorable and brilliant boys.

I may be the only girl in this house, but that's perfectly OK with me. I wouldn't trade my guys for anything in the world.
He is so precious -- thanks for sharing the pictures!
I had the same experience with my second baby -- my firstborn was 10 lbs (finally) at age 4 mos, my second reached that by 2 mos and people kept telling me she was bigger/more developed/seemed older than she was. It was bittersweet.
I loved all the pictures of your little guy and, of course, Rowan too!! He is such a beautiful, big baby! Congratulations and thanks for all the updates! Love, Martha
Great post Angie! The doctors are right, he does look older than a newborn. He's got great skin and wonderful coloring too. And Big Brother Rowan looks soooooo proud. Thanks for posting so often, I love it! Val
I LOVE reading your blog. You make me so excited to have another baby. What a precious time with your boys. Miles is adorable. The girls at work are "oooing" over him. (I'm not supposed to be on here at work. Shh.) Congratulations Kyle, Angie and Rowan!
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